New me
Us having a sunday walk to the church and chilling

This is what i found inside of doseng of rosses that i resived on april fools day but it wasent a jk so i was glad for that.
Peach blossom

Peach blossom

Well this year i went to our High school prom and it was so much fun i loved it, i got my hair blond and its short with layers and bangs straith across i love it and so those dad thats all that madders. What i cant belive is that in just 3 weeks i'm going to be 18 years old and it seames i just berilly came to America. I love my familly. Well this year for my b-day i'm hoping to get a sell phone from mom and dad or money to go shoping in UT sence i get to go to EFY its going to be so much fun . I cant wayt tell summer i love you all.
love the pics and I can't believe you are going to be 18. You are so big. I can't wait to see you and I am so glad you had fun at prom. love you