Friday, February 5, 2010

My Testimony

Well this is totally rendom but i would like to tell everyone how much i like being a member of the LDS church and how gratfull i am to have found the familly that can show me the right path and tell me whats wrong and whats write. Well sure there are times when i dont like the rules and all the time its not the church rules but its my familly rules. I know that my Hevenly Fathear loves me and that he takes care of me and shows me the right things. I belive that there is a prophet on Earth today and that he loves us and follows our Fathear in Heven. I know that Jesus Christ came to the earth and dyed for our since so some day we are able to return to our Fathear in Heven who loves us and we love him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your testimony Niki, I sure love you can't wait to see you at the end of Feb.
    Love everyone there for me,
